Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blog for Family and Friends

I'm doing this at work and I don't have any photos to download. I'm starting this blog so that all in the family can share photos, stories or ask for information. There are several of us that have connected on FaceBook and I don't think that is the best place to share information that other people really don't care about.
My brother Jerry Anderson has done extensive research and there are others that also have compiled information that would be great to share.
Over Christmas I will be scanning and sharing some great photos. I hope that all of you will do the same. Think about writing some posts and giving us a glimpse of your childhood and your life now. Tell STORIES!! The stories will be lost if we don't start to put them down. And this family has some great stories to tell.
Let's get acquainted with each other. Who wants to be next????